
On the 4th of November 2016, Bianca Currie with the assistance of Samantha Mc Culloch and Current Masunungure facilitated a visioning process with over 50 stakeholders from the Breede-Gouritz Catchment Management Area.

On the 4th of November 2016, Bianca Currie with the assistance of Samantha Mc Culloch and Current Masunungure facilitated a visioning process with over 50 stakeholders from the Breede-Gouritz Catchment Management Area.

By posing carefully thought out questions to small groups of participants, they promoted a reflective process that gives everyone a chance to think deeply and express their own views about how the catchment and its resources should be managed. Each group was then asked to feedback what they discussed. 


Through this process the facilitators were able to identify common points of view between the groups, such as;

“Water in our catchment should be used in a responsible manner that promotes sustainability, equity and efficiency”

“We should look towards an integrated management approach that promotes innovation, reuse and recycling of water, with prompt monitoring and feedback into management implementation”



“Responsibility should be shared by all, through an approach that promotes bottom up management and cooperation across the board”  

The dialogues were very successful and the information is being used to draft a vison for the catchment which will be circulated to stakeholders for consultation.